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Shop No.: 286


Opening Hours: 11:00 - 21:00 (Mon - Sun & PH)

The symbol of Brand ±0 represents “Simple and Just Right”. ±0 broke the traditional framework of home electronic products. We put each type of products as a way of life tool. We aim to find the middle point between the consumer preferences and considerations. Not only for the consumers to find the balance of desire and conflict, but also provides the starting point of a better life. ±0 is a Japanese home appliance and miscellaneous goods brand that was born in 2003. The meaning of the ±0 brand is like a symbol for “just right”. People naturally try to find tools that fit their lives from their daily experiences. It is also an activity of searching for one’s taste. It’s a feeling of gradually narrowing the range of your favourite shaking. The feeling of “just right” lies in the extreme of my taste in terms of shape, size and price. As the name suggests, ±0 products want to be at the centre of people’s tastes without blurring. I want to be moderate, always in the middle of people’s contradictory desires.
